The 24th Mercat de Música Viva de Vic, held from 12 to 16 September in Osona, already has graphic image. It’s a poster designed by George Musquera who has opted to emphasize, through the market graphics, music as a sensation captured, perceived and appreciated by many ways, not only the ear. We also wanted to highlight the sensitive side of the music market, which combines a variety of styles, and therefore sensations.
In addition, the bill also reflects the variety of styles that can be found at the Mercat de Música Viva de Vic, and does so with a completely timeless image.
The Mercat de Música Viva de Vic is the meeting point that since 1988 brings all the sectors of the music industry together. Professionals from the music sector come together in Vic to learn about new proposals, attend forums, exchange knowledge and buy and sell music. The program includes all types of styles and is designed for a wide range of publics. There are several locations in the city for four days to make Vic become the focal point of live music and country’s cultural and musical activities.